Category: Culture
On the road that leads to Planes de Renderos, South of the capital, is the turn-off to Panchimalco, a village that evokes a great story from its entry. It …
Tazumal represented the culture; Joya de Cerén, people; Tecpán San Andrés, the connection between man, art and universe. Listed as one of the most important ceremonial centers of the …
Legend has it that one night… went 8 Indians walking with a heavy load on lonely roads, until they reach their destination: Sihuatehuacán. Upon arrival, she is situated in …
The ruins of El Tazumal are located in the city of Chalchuapa, 14 kilometers west of the city of Santa Ana. The traditions of this important Mayan settlement have …
The Sihuanaba, commonly called The Siguanaba. The legend says that a woman Sihuanaba, originally called Sihuehuet (Beautiful Woman), had an affair with the son of the god Tlaloc, which …
The Museo de Arte de El Salvador (MARTE), located in the city of San Salvador, is a private, nonprofit responsible for the preservation and dissemination of visual arts in …