
Anchored between the loose threads of the Valley of the hammocks Ayutuxtepeque municipality, lies San Salvador. There is no certainty about its origin, but it is thought what pipil or yaqui and existed before that was founded San Salvador.


The historian Jorge Lardé and Larin says in his book “El Salvador, history of its towns, villages and cities”: “Many are inclined to believe that it was founded by Spanish missionaries in the early decades of colonialism”.

The word in Nahuatl means: “Hill of the cusucos”, because it comes from “ayutuxti,” which means cusuco armadillo and “tepec” equal to Hill or mountain.

San Sebastián Ayutuxtepeque had in 1740, according to the Mayor of San Salvador Manuel de Gálvez Corral, 73 tributary Indians or heads of household, so it is estimated that their population was around 365 inhabitants.

In 1770, he belonged to the parish of Mexicans and the Archbishop of San Salvador, Pedro Cortés y Larraz recorded a population of 440 who spoke Nahuatl and Spanish. Sixteen years later it became part of the party of San Salvador.

The Mayor don Antonio Gutiérrez and Ulloa referred to the Ayutuxtepeque of that era as “a quite fertile village for the sowing of corn and sugarcane; In addition to the good timbers to the cons-construction and livestock”.

A municipal report of 1860, it is stated that the place had a population of 277 inhabitants, 88 fewer than 120 years ago.

In 1930, when was the first census of the country’s population, the municipality had 1 thousand 612 inhabitants.

At present, 40,000 people live there in an area of 8.41 square kilometers, what most densely populated of El Salvador becomes the sixth municipality.

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