Category: Information
Anchored between the loose threads of the Valley of the hammocks Ayutuxtepeque municipality, lies San Salvador. There is no certainty about its origin, but it is thought what pipil …
In 1635, a group of about 50 Spanish families met on the banks of the Acahuapa River to found the town of San Vicente de Lorenzana. In 1774, a …
For 108 years, use a single currency: the colon. Countless designs, denominations and colors circulated throughout the national territory. “I… three day meat cents”. “Give me a lunch for …
Ask me where is, where is San Vicente, I tell you, I tell where is everyone… reach the Valley of Jiboa River as famous… Suddenly, alas, suddenly, alas, in …
The city of Usulután is located 110 kilometres east of the capital city, at 90 meters above the sea level in the Department of the same name. Usulután is …
They are the first rains in the year when the Salvadorean floral dress colors the new season. On the cusp of izote plants begin to sprout yellowish buds, sheltered …