Category: Information
Only 9 km from the capital, and in the middle of green hills stands the town of Huizucar, adorned with beautiful scenery and a unique tranquility in its streets. …
The feast of Halloween in El Salvador is celebrated with a lesser intensity than in other countries since it is considered a foreign character Festival that has no roots …
One of the things that you will need more than ever is looking for work in El Salvador, and especially taking into account that in our country is difficult …
The DUI, as it is commonly known to the Documento Único de Identidad, is the document that identifies the people of El Salvador. In addition to serving as an …
In El Salvador the dogs commonly get used to call them “Chuchos”. And thus it is we are aguacateros dogs (or avocados dogs), which are dogs that do not …
The so-called Soccer War or the War of the 100 hours was named by the coincidence of this fact with those derived from a football game that pitted national …