National bird of El Salvador

The national bird of El Salvador was declared as such by a legislative compromise that was approved on October 21, 1999.

This bird is also known in some places as the “talapo” because it received the honor of popularity for its singular beauty, which is observed in their plumage of many beautiful colors.

Torogoz, National bird of El Salvador

The Torogoz is a bird that does not adapt well to captivity, it means that you can’t have it locked at home, also this bird is a symbol of family unity because reflects the participation in partners in the care of their chicks babies.

Therefore, that was taken to the culture thanks to the national bird of the country.

Despite being considered as a species in danger of extinction in El Salvador, you can see them in some mountainous areas of the north-eastern part of the country, as in Morazán, La Union and in Chalatenango.


  1. Katherine Gomez 17 January, 2018
  2. Oscar Sanchez 30 August, 2018
  3. Xiomara 11 April, 2024

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