Aguacateros dogs

In El Salvador the dogs commonly get used to call them “Chuchos”. And thus it is we are aguacateros dogs (or avocados dogs), which are dogs that do not …

Atol chuco

The Atol Chuco, (also known as “Atol Shuco”, or simply “Shuco” name of Nahuatl origin), is the oldest typical hot drink of The Salvador, which is made from fermented …

Jose Matias Delgado

Presbyter and Doctor José Matías Delgado takes possession of the Administration and governance of the province of San Salvador (El Salvador) on November 28, 1821 and ruled until February …

Monseñor Romero

According to biographical notes, the life of Óscar Arnulfo Romero supposed to delve into one of the most turbulent periods in the history of his country, El Salvador, and …

Claudia Lars

Margarita del Carmen Brannon Vega, known by his pseudonym Claudia Lars (Armenia, December 20, 1899 – San Salvador, July 22, 1974), was a Salvadoran poet. His work is considered …

Ruta de las flores

Ruta de Las Flores is composed of five villages: Apaneca, Juayua, Ataco, Nahuizalco and Salcoatitán, have been called that way because of its pleasant climate and lush beauty. The …

La Palma

La Palma in El Salvador is fresh climate and diversity of handicrafts. LaPamla in the Department of Chalatenango 84 kilometers from San Salvador and only 8 kilometres from the El …