Cerro de Las Pavas

The city of Cojutepeque in the Department of Cuzcatlán houses a natural treasure. This treasure is the Cerro de Las Pavas, which is located 34 km east of San Salvador.

The tourist attraction of the Cerro de Las Pavas is the beautiful view of a part the Salvadoran countryside. The most beautiful view are the Valley of Jiboa, which is famous for its agricultural production, including sugar cane. In addition is achieved see magno Coatepeque Lake as a gift in view of all the visitors to the Hill.

Cerro de Las Pavas

Guests can enjoy a very cool atmosphere in the Cerro de Las Pavas. The thick layer of vegetation surrounding the Hill is awesome. Undoubtedly, the trees of the place make is fresh at any time of the year. Its mountainous location makes it very removed from the pressures and bustle encountered daily in the city of Cojutepeque, very famous for possessing an entrepreneurial trade. Tourists and visitors in general are exquisite and at the same time very relaxing climate.

However, in addition to its climate, the Cerro de Las Pavas has an even more special attraction: the famous Grotto of our Lady of Fatima. Every year, each May 13, the Hill becomes a centre of pilgrimage for thousands of Salvadoran Catholics. According to the tradition in the grotto of the Cerro de las Pavas mora the image of our Lady of Fatima.

According to the story, the Virgin of Fatima appeared in Spain. Numerous pilgrims to the cave are moved by curiosity that the Virgin performs miracles. Very well-crafted excursions every year are organized to perform prayers to the image of the Grotto. Other pilgrims take advantage of your visit to ask for a miracle for themselves or any of their relatives.

Tourists who visit every year, the Cerro de las Parvas are fascinated since, not only enjoying the religious atmosphere that reigns in the place, they also have contact with the locals.

The tourists have the opportunity to buy products and manufactured by artisans. Some of the most famous products of the region are the sausages (chorizos, sausages and sausages) as well as made of Palm hats industrialized and imported into various countries of the region.

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