
Peoples who preserved still rooted in countries such as ours are very few. In El Salvador, however, we are proud to have a town like Nahuizalco. This is formed as any other people in our country: the Cathedral or church in the Center, the municipality and the central square.

Nahuizalco, Sonsonate

The curious and at the same time beautiful in Nahuizalco is to see several people, especially older adults, using the traditional huipils. The huipils are skirts that indigenous women used in the glory days of pipil. Few people are which preserved the traditions Pipil, together with the nahuatl, the indigenous language of our ancestors Pipil. Today you can see these people walk the streets of Nahuizalco, proud to be carrying hundreds of years of Salvadoran history.

Nahuizalco is a village in Sonsonate whose origins may trace a last pipil or yaki. Your name, nahuati or nahuatl origin, meaning Los Penitentes four or the four Izalcos.

Although the terrain or topography of Nahuizalco is very broken, it has fertile soil, which is very important for the production of corn, beans and rice. In this way, Nahuizalco helps the Salvadoran economy providing crops that help sustain the basic basket of many Salvadoran families.

Rivers also allow the cultivation of tule and carrizo, raw materials to manufacture backpacks, rugs, baskets and acapetates. This production is very important for the people because Nahuizalco is also famous nationally and internationally for its handicrafts, especially those previously mentioned.

The technique for making backpack is completely manual and is very possible that you have not changed since before the conquest. The tule (a fiber-like stem) are used both its shell as the Reed or commonly called heart of the tule. The latter serves to make mats, bags, yaguales, blowers and other items.

The wonderful thing about Nahuizalco is great creativity to create these crafts. These products are sold in different markets, both in El Salvador and abroad. Other two Salvadorans peoples of great cultural importance are Juayua and Salcoatitán, which also have coffee plantations and possess great economic activity and business notable.

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