The Peñon of Cayaguanca is located in the municipality of San Ignacio in the Department of Chalatenango and is a tourist destination visited by many people because of the …
The Salvadoran torrejas are a typical dish that can not miss during Easter week, although they can be prepared in any time of the year that you want it …
Holy week in el Salvador is a time special in every sense, is a time in which Salvadorans take to live a time of reflection, as well as to …
The coast of the Sun, El Salvador is one of the places most visited by national and foreign tourists, especially in the Easter holidays. This area is also considered …
Entre Ríos Ecopark is located in the municipality of Caluco, Department of Sonsonate, El Salvador; just 40 minutes from San Salvador. This important tourist center in the country that …
Pollo Campero El Salvador, is a company that belongs to the division of Corporación Multi Inversiones restaurants. Its origins date back to the 1970s, specifically to 1971 when she …
Chocobanos is very easy, even they can do at home to sell and they are quite sought after by those who want to taste them, though they can also …
The mangoneadas certainly is a phenomenon that in recent months and years the Salvadorans, especially in the summer have tasted much when it gets very hot. A mangoneada is …
The piscucha is one of the traditional games that entertain the Salvadoran children and allow them to distract themselves healthy. How to make a piscucha is something that many …
Corn coffee or coffee from roasted corn is a typical drink consumed in many households Salvadoran day by day. Its ease and low cost of preparation and its exquisite …