Apastepeque lagoon

Apastepeque is a city located in the Eastern Department of San Vicente, El Salvador. Its name in Nahuatl means “Hill of the alabaster” or “Hill of the great vessels”, …

Barley drink

Soft drink of barley or barley fresco is considered to be a typical drink consumed much in El Salvador and also at international level. Its exquisite flavor is enjoyed …

Maize chicha

Chicha is the common name given to varieties of alcoholic beverages, which are mainly manufactured in basis not distilled fermentation of corn and other fruits. Maize chicha is manufactured …

Salvadoran Enchiladas

Salvadoran enchiladas are a typical dish of our country, which is extremely easy to prepare at home. While the name “enchilada” may seem rather spicy, actually it isn’t, since …