The amate is a very large tree that provides a great shadow, grows a lot in the paddocks where there is also where are grindings of sugar cane and …
According to oral tradition, long ago in the Barra de Santiago, in the Department of Ahuachapán, lived an Indian Chief that was very rich and very cruel. This man …
If you ever wondered how to make Salvadoran pupusas, here we have it you in a simple way so you can taste them in family. Pupusas are the typical …
The independence of El Salvador to consolidate as a nation with its own laws, is certainly a story that we need to know. According to historians, the first time …
The canoes of banana are one of the recipes that can be easily, without much effort and without spending much. In El Salvador it is considered as a typical …
Arturo Ambrogi was a poet and Salvadoran journalist who was born in San Salvador on October 19, 1875 and died in the same town on November 8, 1936. It …
El Salvador is a country full of riches, such as beaches, mountains, volcanoes, parks, forests, and others that are excellent to be visited at any time of the year, …
The riguas are cakes made with corn or corn dough. Its exquisite taste we love much to Salvadorans since this dough is combined with other ingredients derived from milk …
“La Carreta Chillona” is one of the most popular Salvadoran legends, in fact, it has been transmitted from generation to generation in the form of stories told by those who …
Just judge the night is one of the legends of El Salvador more known that has been transmitted from generation to generation to alert those who tend to go …